About Us

Business models for large infrastructure projects have changed in the last 30 years. We now find new role players on the construction sites with mandates from their employers to protect them. We have the EPC that are contractually responsible for the contruction of the new build project, we have the EPCM’s that represent the Owners to ensure that the EPC is building according to a specification. In terms of Ownership we have redefined who are the equity partners in the form of Build Operate Transfer , Build Operate Own Transfer , PPP ( Private /Public Partnership) etc.

What We Can Deliver

To satisfying all of these Owners, Consultants, Employers representatives, Construction Contractors , is a costly task in terms of their requirements.

DocMaster is a platform where small to medium sized companies can find the necessary direction in the form of various construction templates that will guide them in the right direction

From Front End Design up until Final Documentation close out , we can assist companies with the necessary documents required.